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Nykaa’s share price targets for 2024, 2025, & 2030

Nykaa's share price targets for 2024, 2025, & 2030 : TheShareBrokers

In this article, we are going to talk about Nykaa’s share price targets 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030, in which direction the company’s performance is expected to go. Recently, as soon as it was listed in the market, Nykaa Share was seen showing investors tremendous listing gains.

How can Nykaa Stock show its performance in the coming years? Let us know in detail…

Nykaa’s share price targets for 2023, 2024, 2025, & 2030 are given below:

Year Share Price Target First Share Price Target Second
2023Rs 150Rs 154
2024Rs 156Rs 170
2025Rs 185Rs 195
2030Rs 450

Nykaa share price target 2023:

FSN E-commerce Ventures Ltd which is known as Nykaa company sells many products related to Beauty, Wellness, and Fashion products on its platform. Apart from this, the company is also seen earning good money from its own product.

Being a market-leading company in Nykaa beauty and personal care products in the Indian market, the best listing in the stock market was seen showing in the share price. Every year the company saw a good jump in its financials and coming profit in FY 2023, due to which it can be expected that Nykaa will be seen maintaining its profit growth in the coming days as well.

If the company is seen maintaining good growth, Nykaa share price target By 2023, due to its excellent performance, you can get the first target of Rs 150. After this target, the second target is expected to show Rs 154 soon.

Nykaa share price target 2024:

Nykaa seems to be spreading a lot online as well as offline to increase the visibility of its business everywhere. Talking about online business, Nykaa is able to see about 87 percent of revenue coming to the company through its application.

On the other hand, in the offline business, the company seems to be increasing its full focus, where the company’s presence is seen in about 80 stores across the country. In the coming years, Nykaa is going to open more offline stores with the money of its IPO.

Due to the spread of Nykaa’s business everywhere, whether it is online or offline, it seems that it is difficult to connect more and more customers quickly. As the company continues to expand its business, it seems to be India’s fastest-growing fashion platform with the addition of new customers.

Looking at the growing business of the company, Nykaa’s share price target can be seen showing the first target of Rs 156 with good returns by 2024. After that, you can think of holding another target for Rs 170.

Nykaa share price target 2025:

Apart from its own product, Nykaa also gets offers to sell the product from other different domestic and international brands on its platform. Due to this, the company is able to offer more and more products to its customers along with good earnings.

Nykaa seems to be striving hard to provide the best possible experience to its customers. The company uses every platform like Youtube to stay connected with its customers, this enables the company to strengthen its brand value as well as keep the customer engaged. Nykaa’s unique business model sets it apart from other competitors and is expected to show rapid growth in the long run.

Due to good customer satisfaction in the company, Nykaa’s share price target is going to show the first target of Rs 185 with increasing business by 2025. And then you can stop for the second target to be Rs 195 interest.

Nykaa share price target 2030:

As you will see for a long time Nykaa beauty and personal care products have a lot of hope for this company due to its one-of-a-kind monopoly business. The way beauty and personal care industry continues to show good growth every year, to take advantage of this, the company is seen acquiring other companies to increase its business.

The company has been seen acquiring two companies in the recent past, 20Dress and Pipa Bella, due to which the company is going to be seen to benefit gradually in the coming years. Due to Nykaa ‘s growing business expansion in the long run,  the share price target in 2030 is likely to show you around Rs 450.

Nykaa stock is forward-looking:

Looking ahead, Nykaa is seeing a stronghold in its business beauty and personal care segment. The way people are seeing a growing interest in fashion-related products, Nykaa being a strong company in this sector, is fully prepared to take advantage of the growing opportunities coming in the future.

Nykaa appears to work under different business models in its beauty and personal care business to target each and every customer, due to which the company has been showing steady growth in its business. No listing of the company is seen in the stock market, so till the time there are no other companies listed in the market, there is every hope of showing good growth in the stock.

Risk of Investing Nykaa Share:

When it comes to online shopping company, Nykaa being a startup company in this sector, gets to see competition from very big companies, due to which there is always a risk of losing the market share of the company.

Due to Nykaa being associated with the online business, if any time its brand value appears to weaken during the course of running the business, then the company’s business can see a huge drop in revenue.

From My Perspective:

Risk is definitely seen in every business, in Nykaa risk is seen in the same way, but the future of the company is going to depend on how the management handles that risk. Nykaa is one of the best companies in its segment which has full potential to give good returns to the shareholders in the long run.

If you are a long-term investor, then you must have an eye on this company. But before investing at any price, do not forget to do your analysis once.

Nykaa share price target FAQs:

Nykaa share How will it be with regard to the future.

Given the company’s growing business and future prospects, there is every hope of showing good growth in the share price.

Is Nykaa a debt-free company?

The debt of the company is definitely visible in small amounts. However, the management has been seen paying off some debt with the IPO money.

What is the name of the founder of Nykaa?

Falguni Nayar is the founder of the company.


Hopefully, by reading the post Nykaa share price target 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030, you will have got an idea of ​​how the business can perform in the future with complete information. If you have any questions related to this post then definitely ask in comment.

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